Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 1

Photo - Bare All

Today is the start of it all and what better way to start but to “Bare it all”. I’m super excited to be doing a new project and this morning as I checked the space for the show it surged me into an all out inspiration spiral! Ideas raced through me as fast as a heartbeat running a marathon! I get a majestic feeling when I get the chance to do something great, where I have the chance to not only make myself tick but to hand over the torch of inspiration to on-lookers!

So in baring all I figure I should tell you a little about my fun loving-self I was born in Kentucky, grew up in Virginia Beach, I went to Savannah for college where I went to SCAD and graduated in the winter of 08/09 w/ a BFA in Graphics. I then moved to ATL where I now live and thrive as Sandwich Artist, Designer, Photographer, One KickAss LoHo!

My parents are still happily married and I have a 23 year old brother named Wyatt. I have a Black Vampire kitty named Squinz (after the Sandlot) he's kind of like a dog and is the coolest thing since the ABC's. I like vintage anything. I live to collect hot sunglasses, cool watches & old school music machines. I love going to museums and reading books. I dance like no one's watching and said to have really good air instrument skills ;) I'm laid back & go w/ the flow but a driven individual. I love what I do & am viewed sometimes as a workaholic but I know when to take a step back & spend time w/ friends & the people in my life. I wish I slept more but let’s face it... that’s not happening anytime soon...

I live and breath Art I am forever on the computer getting my fix on Facebook and Pinterest. I always with a camera in reaching distance. I document my life, (which is why I’m doing this project) some might find that weird, yet, I find it to be just another way of remembering where I've been and who i've met! I also love being spontaneous and going on grand adventures... indoor, outdoor or around the corner and through the woods! Let's go scream from the rooftops and swim in random pools!!!

Throughout this process I plan on giving you some everyday facts on me and what I’m up to! My friends and family are my life, I will be using nicknames as I talk about them but I can’t stray away from them. And since I’m single like a dollar, for the next 30 days I plan on having you as my relationship, I will be honest with you and willing to share my life, so get ready I’m taking you on a ride!!!

Song: Stars - My Favorite Book
Quote of the day: "I don't wake up in the morning and wonder what's for breakfast. I wonder, what's for life!"
Fav food consumed today: Shrimp Cocktail
Craving: Granola in vanilla yogurt w/ raspberries
Drinking: Freezing cold h2o
Random Fact: In high school I use to rent a 4 person bike and ride up and down the boardwalk asking: “Hey pretty girl, you want a ride?!”

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