Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 22

Writers Block

... ... ... yep, that’s how I feel... I sit down to write and blog and my mind just sits and scans... I love writing, I love writing well and as I sit down to write, I just stare at the screen fumbling over my words... I feel like they aren’t coming together and blah blah blah... I’ve been between K’s and my house trying to put things together and all I want to do is sit on the couch, watch movies and catch up on sleep... because let’s face it, I have barely closed my eyes in the last few weeks.

I love creating and doing this series... but it is a lot of work, I have my normal life and then add an everyday personal journal of my journey and making things come together over art... I feel like I’m back at college during finals week... I thrive off of it and like the end result of having everyone come together and view what i’ve been doing but I will be so happy to enjoy my b-day month going back to my 1-2 blog updates a week! I know that I am a few days behind now and as I try to catch up, I am still creating and let’s face it, if you are my true friend you know all about Loho time... no matter how much I love you or want to be there right on time, I am always late... I always show up or call but I am forever late... I hate it but this is me, I live in my own world and I don’t mean to be inconsiderate it’s just how my inner clock works. My mind is the same way... what takes an average person to do something times it by 3 and you have me... but when I get there or finish whatever I’m working on... I never disappoint. So as I’m wishing time would stand still for a few days I will continue to push on and I hope you guys can bare with me as I not only catch up but filter through my head. Thank you.

Song: Just Jack - Writers Block
Quote of the Day: “Things I’d rather be doing right now... You... :)”
Fav Food Consumed Today: Cheese Pizza
Craving: Shepards Pie
Drinking: H2o
Random Fact: I fantasize throughout the whole day... I make up visual stories in my head which makes me get those childish like smiles that stretch to my ears with a hint of evil... because being inner stimulating is fun and the hope that I may one day act out my thoughts is want keeps me going like a bouncy ball!

1 comment:

  1. It's an ambitious project and well appreciated. Find your love for what you're doing and use that to push on. It's the best motivation around...
