Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 5

Try to Stop Art

As I stopped at my fav spot to shoot a few hoops (way to windy, but oh so nice out), I ran into this stop sign and it made me think about a time in class where my teacher asked us what would happen if all of us artists stopped creating... what would the world do, how would the world look?!

If we look at art as the way of life stopping it or refusing to create for a day or letting it be produced... there would be no advertising... no tv, no music, no dancing, no pretty flowers to buy that someone, no culinary creations, no logos or store fronts, no pretty little signs, the color of the world would go dull the taste of the world bland... Most people when looking around at their everyday don’t realize that art is all around them. That everything was once created, whether it was a creative action or not is up for judgement but all in all the thought and execution had to take place and for me the act of art is taking anything and making it come to life in someway, invoking some sort of emotion.

Which is why I find it funny... the people who color this world are the ones that are usually under looked, under paid and taken advantage of... we are always asked for discounts or can we make a deal... Sure, when I can get those free stocks and bonds, financial advice, dinner on the house then maybe I can give you a free photo shoot or create your press kit. Now don’t get me wrong I love helping out and supporting things I believe in such as local non-profit org. but I’m to the point were free or it can help your portfolio is a joke at the same time though I’m flattered they like my work...

I for one, won’t stop art... You couldn’t pay me but just think about a world without it’s color, a heart without its beat... Art creates so much around us and brings us all emotions, to stop it would be stopping the world we live in.

Song: Tristan Prettyman - My Oh My
Quote of the Day: “Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.” -Coco Chanel
Fav Food Consumed Today: Lo’s HotDog special (Japs, bp, pickles, k, m, hot sauce, horsey, cheese - baked)
Craving: Mac n Cheese
Drinking: Rx Energy Arizona
Random Fact: I am not the F word... I am not for FREE... but thanks :)

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