Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 4

Photo - Conserve Water, Shower w/ A Buddy!

Ever get that feeling where your world is going a hundred miles a min and you don’t have time to stop even for a shower?! Well, that’s how my life has been for the last few weeks getting everything together for this LoHoMatic series, photos, having my car involved in a hit and run, photos, graphics, photos, being a sub artist and trying to fit in a social life. I always want to have my hand in something and my feet wet but sometime I feel like I jump head first into the shallow end underestimating the depth and crashing terribly or diving in the deep end and I forgetting I need to come back up for air... there are so many metaphors I can think of I might drown you, so I will try and keep this simple. When your world is moving remember to shower, to stand under the water, letting it cover your body, feeling the warmth and feeling the clean... not only will you smell better but you usually feel a 100 times better... bringing that overwhelming feeling into bay, letting your sails rest. Hell after 3 days of not seeing my dream world before 5 and 6 am because of trying to take on the world a shower w/ a plastic dino did wonders not to mention an unforgettable moment.

Song: Metric - Breathing Underwater
Quote of the day: “While we cannot direct the wind, we can adjust the sails.”
Fav food consumed today: Chicken Nuggets
Craving: A Cheeseburger in Paradise
Drinking: Sprite Zero
Random fact: I love being around water, I was thrown into a pool at an early age, grew up on a beach, live to be on a boat and whenever I think vacation it usually involves some sort of water. One of my favorite memories is when I learned to sail in the Exuma Islands, I was on board a 42’ double mast called the Boundless and it’s true what they say, “once you’ve slept on a boat, you will never quite sleep the same.”

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